
In-pieces 30 species 30 pieces.

30 unique species face a fragmented survival.

Represented here by 30 separate pieces ...

They share struggles, and unite together...

in an interactive exhibition.

In pieces

30 species. 30 pieces. 1 fragmented survival.

一个 基于css clip-path属性 的濒危动物互动展览


In Pieces

30 Species 30 Pieces

1 Fragmented Survival

选择一个 随机物种


In Pieces 是一个交互展览,它包含30种有趣但不幸濒临危机的物种,它们的生存现状正如动画所展示的,支离破碎。

As Featured On

Each species has a common struggle and is represented by one of 30 pieces which come together to form one another. The collection is a celebration of genic diversity and an attempting reminder of the beauty we are on the verge of losing as every moment passes. These 30 animals have been chosen for their differences, so that we can learn about species we didn't know about previously as well as the struggles they have surviving. Many of them evolved in a particular way which makes them evolutionarily distinct.

Take for example the Kakapo, an animal which evolved without natural predators and thus didn’t require instincts to defend itself. Unfortunately — and as is the case with most of the species showcased here — humans began easily hunting upon encroaching their range, then introduced the stoat and other forms of pest control for other species. The Kakapo was almost completely wiped out through this introduction and fights on today because of this catastrophic lack of judgement.

When you dig into a lot of research around this topic, it’s not long before you see the real darkness that is going on. Millions of years of evolution has occurred and humans are in danger of ruining it through desperation for financial gain or greed.

There are some species here who as grim as it sounds, would require a small miracle to survive because the numbers are too low to rationally continue to exist, Vaquita being one such example.

In Pieces hopes to educate and inspire, and provoke thought on this complex and intricate topic. I sincerely hope that you can take something new away and enjoy this collection as much as I enjoyed researching, designing and building it.





没听说过它吗? 它就是这样的:
-webkit-clip-path: polygon( 40% 40%, 50% 60%, 60% 40% );

So, in essence — each shape is being morphed, moved and toyed with by a new set of co-ordinates, and as they are maintained as triangles throughout, this means 3 points, with CSS transitions to link up the movements. No tricks or tools have been used to get the illustrated results, code-wise or graphically. Point by point, shape by shape, each one has been handcrafted via a personally-created tracing JS function after illustration.

Polygon demonstration

If you have any questions on the technique or the project at all, please feel free to whip me a Tweet!


In Pieces 和任何慈善机构或组织都没有关系,但我还是想列出一些正努力拯救濒临灭绝动物的组织机构

Edge of Existence* – a programme run by Zoological Society of London, deals directly with evolutionarily distinct animals, and has a great list of 100 mammals and other types of species which you can look through if your interests have been perked. *This project is not associated with Edge of Existence.

Of the animals featured here, a number have great causes dealing specifically with their battles, or otherwise aid in respect to the species' family.


I have used an extensive range of sources to gather the information within this site, specifically the statistical data which is fairly tough to find. I thank each source sincerely, and wish to highlight their great resources here:


Wallpaper Image




Take the pieces home with this poster, available here for €30. All personal proceeds* will go to Evolutionarily Distinct & Globally, an initiative which deals with the kind of species showcased within In Pieces.

Poster PosterPoster


You can download a range of wallpapers of specific species for your desktop within the exhibition, but here you can have them all in one place too. Select which device takes your fancy below.

Wallpaper image all animals

* Personal income on poster sale is a percentage of the poster cost. Around 20% of the respective per poster is taken personally and sent on to EDGE.